Chirchirillo, Joe


“Over the course of my career I have been concerned with creating work that is drawn from elements found in nature, a and the mechanical world. My hope is to highlight the similarities and differences of our experiences in the world by creating a “false nature” or nature re-created .

I am interested in finding architectural order emerging from nature and translating that into sculpture. This examination of plant forms is a daily practice for me in the rural environment in which I live. I am amazed how their form and structure relates to man made objects oftentimes in terms of structure and the physical strength of the object.

My goal is to build pieces that are expressive, interesting and also have structural integrity and will withstand the elements.

I build sculpture with a degree of uncertainty and spontaneity. I see it as a conversation with the piece I am working on. I am very process oriented, and these pieces grow and evolve as I continue to work on them.” – Joe Chirchirillo

Past Sculptures in Leonia


“Over the last 5 years I have been concerned with creating sculpture that is drawn from elements found in nature, architecture and mechanical world. Sometimes they strike me as parts of decaying buildings, other times as architectural order emerging from nature. There is an intentional vagueness about the visual imagery.

For me, sculpture is about creating what doesn’t exist as opposed to rendering what does. It is a conglomerate object created by someone who is having a conversation with the material and the world around them.

I build these sculptures by casting over steel structure into either molds or wet sand. There is a degree of uncertainty and spontaneity in each casting event. I am very process oriented and these pieces grow and evolve as I continue to work on them.” – Joe Chirchirillo